3 Low Carb Shrimp Recipes| Healthy Delicious Recipes
Here are 3 delicious, yet healthy low carb shrimp recipes for you to enjoy. All the recipes come out of the Metabolic Cookbook.
What does METABOLISM have to do with your diet? Everything!!! The ingredients’ included in these recipes will help to BOOST your metabolism, furthermore helping you to burn off fat much easier. Now does this mean that you can eat AS MUCH as you want?
We must always practice eating in moderation, and anything in excess is bad for you, so keep that in mind. However, these recipes will allow you to good while helping you to maximize your weight loss efforts.
Creamy Shrimp and Mushroom Pasta Recipe from Metabolic Cookbook
Serves 4, prep 5 min,
Cooking time time 30 min
- 4-8 oz fettuccine or linguine
- 10 tbsp butter, divided
- 8 oz fresh, sliced mushrooms
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 3 oz cream cheese, cut into small pieces
- 2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
- 1 tbsp fresh basil, chopped
- 2/3 cup boiling water
- 1 lb cooked shrimp – you can buy them frozen as well!
To cook your pasta, boil and salt a large pot of water, then add an 8oz box of noodles. Cook your shrimp while the pasta is cook, however if they’re precooked, make sure you thaw them while the noodles are cooking, that way you don’t have to mess with that later.
Then take a large 2tbsp of butter over medium heat and sauté your mushrooms until brown and soft. Season with pepper and whatever else you would like to add. Then take the cooked mushrooms and melt the remaining butter in the skillet. Add some cream cheese, Minced garlic, and herbs. If you see that the cream cheese isn’t melting to well don’t freak out, it’s part of the process, just add some water and it will smooth out.
Simmer cream cheese mixture until well blended. Get a scoop of boiling pasta water from your noodle pot and mix it in, stirring quickly to smooth out the sauce.
Keep sauce hot and add shrimp and mushrooms, mix well and simmer (stirring often) until everything is hot and thickened, about 10 minutes-you won’t ruin this sauce by accidentally boiling it so don’t worry.
Toss sauce with cooked noodles and serve.
Recipe from Metabolic Cookbook
Cilantro Lime Shrimp Recipe from Metabolic Cookbook:
This is one is one of my personal favorites! It doesn’t take too long and it tastes awesome!
- – 2 tsp olive oil
- – 2 lb shrimp, shelled and deveined
- – 6 cloves garlic, crushed
- – 1/3 c. chopped fresh cilantro
- – 1 lime
- – salt & pepper
Heat a large frying pan on medium-high heat. Add oil to the pan, when hot add shrimp. Season with salt and pepper. When the shrimp is cooked on one side, about 2 minutes, turn over and add garlic. Sauté another minute or two until shrimp is cooked, careful not to overcook. Remove from heat. Squeeze lime all over shrimp and toss with cilantro. Serve hot, Enjoy!
Recipe from Metabolic Cookbook
ITALIAN SHRIMP Recipe from Metabolic Cookbook:
This is rather easy and it tastes great!
- · Place tin foil on a cookie sheet.
- · Slice lemons & place onto cookie sheet.
- · Melt 113 g. of coconut oil in a pan , while melting coconut oil place shrimp onto cookie sheet and sprinkle with 1 package of dried Italian Seasoning .
- · Smoother shrimp with coconut oil & bake in oven for 15 min. at 350 degrees!!
Let cool off a bit then ENJOY!
Recipe from Metabolic Cookbook
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