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6 Awesome Ways To Help You Believe In Yourself And Let Go Of Self Doubt
I AM POSSIBLE! The other day I was sitting quietly alone next to my window. I was gazing at the snow falling ever so gently. It was quickly covering everything up as I sat there for what seemed like an … Continued
Why Do Most People Fail And Never Try Again? Good Question, Join Me On The Journey To The Answer
Usually this topic is written about by people who have reached the level of success they have been striving for. But in this case I am writing it from the point of view of someone who has failed multiple … Continued
Presidential election time, time for change, or is it?
Presidential election time, time for change, or is it??? I have to say that I am glad that election time is over. All we heard was what the other person was not doing, and how it “should” be. Countless amounts … Continued
Finding Your Inspiration And Acting Upon It!
Finding Your Inspiration And Acting Upon It! I believe inspiration and positivity are big KEYs when it comes to finding success. What you think with your mind, you create. So if you are constantly thinking debt and bad things, those bad … Continued
The Awesome Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water And Lemon Juice
Why You Should Drink Warm Water & Lemon Juice On Regular Basis! So what's the big fuss over warm water and lemon juice? Here are 5 reasons you should be adding this drink to your daily regimen! 1. Boosts you're … Continued