So many of you have already heard that microwaves can be bad for you and your family, but here are some very good reason why you shouldn’t use a microwave, or even own one for that matter of fact. If you do have one, it’s time to think about getting rid of it or finding an alternative for it.
1, Did you know that if you regularly eat microwaved or processed food, that it can cause long term and permanent damage to you. It can cause brain damage by “shortening out” electrical impulses in the brain causing tumors and a bunch of other problems.
2.The human body needs to break down foods in order to process them and utilize them within your body. Microwaves make that process impossible; therefore it creates a mess of things within your bodies system leading to ailments such as cancer, tumors, and a bunch of other problems.
3.If you’re worried about hormone production for both male and females, then this is a good time to stop using the microwave. Studies have found that by regularly using a microwave that it can stop normal hormone production within both the male and female body.
4.Most people thing that it’s safe to use a microwave because they’ve been using them for years without any type of problem. The thing is that the problems come about in the long term, meaning years from now. You may be ok right now, but in the years to come you may have problems stemming from out of the blue.
5.If you’re worried about getting your vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that are in your food, you might as well forget it if you’re using a microwave. These things pretty much dematerialize any nutrients found in foods, and most processed foods already have little to no nutrients. All that’s left is junk and the body can’t process microwaved foods leaving junk in your system.
6.If you make your vegetables in the microwave, you may want to think twice before doing it. The problem is that nutrients can be turned into cancerous free radicles which you consume after cooking your food in the microwave.
7.Studies have found that microwaves can cause stomach and colon cancer, this may be a big reason for the huge spike in these types of cancers within the United States and other countries
8.By eating too much microwaved food, you’re at risk for different types of cancers, this could be detrimental in your later years in life.
9.If you continue to eat microwaved foods, you’re putting yourself at risk for immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.
10.If you already have a crappy memory stop using your microwave, it has been shown that eating microwaved food can cause loss of memory, decreased concentration, emotional instability, and decrease in intelligence.
These 10 reasons are reason enough to throw out your microwave, a great alternative to this is a TOASTER OVEN! There are many other options available, think smart and plan ahead, it may not hurt you today but what about in the long run?
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