All Natural Ways To Help With Seasonal Depression
The weather isn’t the only thing that changes with the seasons. Some of us have problems adjusting to the seasonal transitions, especially in the cold winter months. Depending on where you live at, seasonal depression can be worse for people in certain areas more than others. Seasonal affective disorder effects many of us, and the thing is that most of us usually don’t do anything about it.
What can seasonal depression effect?
- *your weight
- *mood
- *health
- *eating habits
- *and many other things
There are many types of seasonal depression systems, but are they effective?
Good question! Depends on the system…
How about medications, are they really effective? Some are, but what about the side effects of these medications, are they really safe?
Well let’s see, I know many of you have seen the commercials about law suits that play throughout the day. You hear all of the horrible side effects that have happened to people from taking these drugs.
Then on the other side you see commercials for treatments, but half of the commercials talk about side effects. They cover up what they’re saying with people looking happy and doing happy things. Now do you think I want to take any of those medications after hearing 10 minutes of possible drug interactions?
So what do we do?
Here are some all natural solutions that can help you out!
Many of you are probably thinking, “I’m already busy enough, I don’t want to get even busier”! Now being busy with your daily routine and keeping your mind full of POSITIVE things is a totally different thing.
Most of us think about things that are negative, and that’s just the way things are. Keeping positive is a hard thing to do. So keeping your mind busy is totally different from keeping busy. The way to do this is to fill your mind with positive things.
For instance, get audio books to fill up your commute to work. You can also listen to audios before bed and when you get up. Switch up anything negative that you watch on television. If you watch things that make you mad like the news, stop watching it, especially when the seasons change. Keep your mind away from things that are going to bring you down. Watching things on television and then looking outside can really bring you down
Setting goals can help you stay on track and keep your mind busy. If you’ve have goals that you’re wanting to hit and constantly taking action, then you don’t have time to be depressed about the weather. Especially when you meet a goal, the excitement of actually doing something will make you forget about the weather.
Keep your goals simple and create action statements, review your goals and keep working on them on a regular basis. When you do this, you will get accustomed to taking action and not sit idle with your mind on the weather.
When I mean good food I don’t mean go to your local restaurant and scarf down a bunch of junk. You need to eat things that are going to make you feel better, you may not like eating them, but you will like the way they make you feel later in the day. By eating greens, and fruits, you’re going to help put yourself in a better mood; you will have more energy and be able to work on the things you need to work on.
Be sure that you’re drinking a lot of water, and skip sugary drinks. The problem with sugar is that it’s going to give you energy for a little bit, but then once the
rush is over, you’re going to come crashing down. That means you’re mood will be at an all-time low, so skip out on them as much as possible,
If you’re stuck inside or don’t’ want to go outside, come up with a small work out plan, working out can take away some of that aggression that you’re holding in. It’s a good way to also keep some of that unwanted fat from piling up. You don’t need to go crazy getting a home gym, there are a ton of different workouts you can do in your living room, or in any open area of your home.
If you have friends that live close to you, invite them over for a group workout session. If you need help with this portion, feel free to subscribe, I have a ton of workouts and videos I will be giving everyone for free.
There are a ton of herbs that you can get from your local health food store. I get this stuff called Focus Factor which works very well for me. It keeps me on point with what I need to do and keeps my moods in balance. There are a ton of different types that you can get, just visit a local health food or market and find someone who is knowledgeable about the products.
Oils like Lavender can help to relax you. I always put a small drop on my pillow so when I go to bed I smell it. It helps to relax me and helps me to get good sleep. There are numerous other oils and fragrances that can help to relax you as well.
A good way to pass some of the long winter months is to pick up a good book. Long books can really help to keep your mind away from thinking about the weather and things that make you feel down. The better the book, the more your mind will be on that rather than on what’s going on outside.
Hopefully these ideas will give you something to work with. At the end of the day, just find something that is healthy mentally and physically for you. Life is always going to be hard, but if you just focus on things that you DO WANT, or want TO DO, then it make things a whole lot easier!
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One Response
Amazing! This blog looks exactly likee my old one! It’s
on a entirely different subject but it has pretty much the same pagge layout and design. Wonderful choice of colors!